Thursday, August 27, 2009

More hoarding in the barn loft

Here's photographic evidence more 'stuff' crammed into the loft in the barn:

I spy an exercise bike, can you?

Sinks, sinks, and more sinks. And above that my Dad discovered super cheapie toilet paper -- the kind that comes out in small squares.

Formica repair kits anyone? We've got lots!

There's really no words for this scene, but we're keeping the hemlock moulding for when we eventually decide to fix up the barn (in the year 2030...).


Absolutely Small said...

Wow! Now that is some junk. Does that Santa have giant bug antennae? Sinks? Formica repair kits by the hundreds? (Question: is there even any formica in your house?)Also: I think we have the same exercise bike left over at our new house. Must have been popular among the hoarding set.

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