Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Laundry room countertop

I haven't posted any of the laundry room photos, it's not quite presentable yet.  We had a slight issue with the countertop, thinking that we'd be able to use a leftover cut from a bathroom countertop, but discovered that it's not deep enough.  So, instead of attempting to find some sort of remnant piece, we visited the tile store and bought 3 12" x 12" sheets of olive glass tile.  I'm not a huge fan of tile countertops, but since the laundry room is pretty low maintenance I don't mind.  Now to bust out the mastic and grout!  (Wait, that's Trevor's job.*)

* We've put together a massive list of events in iCal so that we can figure out when to schedule jobs to do around the house.  It's mega-big.  And we have colour coded jobs.  I'm purple.  Trevor's red.  And there's a whole lot of both colours.


Mrs. Merriman said...

Oooh! Those look like candy! Good colour choice :)

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